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Dental Implants

Den­tal Implants by Expe­ri­enced Peri­odon­tists in Woodbridge

Den­tal implants are designed to pro­vide a foun­da­tion for replace­ment teeth that look, feel, and func­tion like nat­ural teeth. You can think of den­tal implants as arti­fi­cial roots. Patients who have implants regain the abil­ity to eat almost any­thing and can smile with con­fi­dence, know­ing that their smiles appear natural.

Den­tal implants are chang­ing the way peo­ple live! With them, you will be able to redis­cover the com­fort and con­fi­dence to eat, speak, laugh and enjoy life.

Eval­u­a­tion – Are you a suit­able can­di­date for Den­tal Implants?

If, like many oth­ers, you feel implant den­tistry is the choice for you, you will be required to undergo a den­tal exam, radi­ographic exam, and health his­tory review. Dur­ing these con­sul­ta­tions, our peri­odon­tists will address your spe­cific needs and con­sid­er­a­tions. Depend­ing on the results of this eval­u­a­tion, the peri­odon­tist may refer you for a spe­cial CAT scan of your jawbone.

Your ques­tions and con­cerns are impor­tant to us, and our team will work with you very closely to help make your pro­ce­dure a suc­cess. We will also dis­cuss fees and insur­ance at this time. Den­tal insur­ance ben­e­fits for implants are var­ied. We will be happy to assist you in obtain­ing any ben­e­fits to which you may be entitled.

The Den­tal Implant Procedure

Den­tal implants are tita­nium or tita­nium alloy tooth root sub­sti­tutes that are often screw shaped.

The place­ment of den­tal implants often involves two sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures. First, the implant is care­fully inserted into the jaw­bone and cov­ered with the gums. The implant is then left to heal and bond with the bone in your jaw for 3–6 months, cre­at­ing a strong bone foun­da­tion for the implant, which then can be restored.

Next, the implant is exposed and a heal­ing cap is placed for the gums to heal. Then, your gen­eral den­tist will start mak­ing your new, natural-looking tooth to be placed on the implant root. Once the pro­ce­dure is com­plete, your new tooth implant will look so nat­ural, no one will be able to tell it’s not.

Den­tal Implants in as Few Appoint­ments as Possible

As men­tioned above, the place­ment of den­tal implants often involves two sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures, and in its entirety usu­ally takes 6–8 months, in sim­ple cases, for the entire pro­ce­dure to be com­pleted. How­ever, with changes in tech­nol­ogy and our under­stand­ing of the biol­ogy of den­tal implants, for some patients, there may only be one sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure involved. At times when pos­si­ble, the implant and the heal­ing cap can be placed at the same visit. In these cases, the implant can inte­grate with the bone while the gum heals around the heal­ing col­lar. Then, after the appro­pri­ate heal­ing time, your den­tist will start mak­ing your new teeth.

In some cases, it is pos­si­ble to have a bad tooth removed (extracted), the implant placed and a tem­po­rary crown made in a sin­gle visit. This is ideal for patients who must have a front tooth removed and where there is no bit­ing func­tion on that tooth. In those cases, it avoids the use of a tem­po­rary remov­able appli­ance to replace that front tooth. This pro­ce­dure when pos­si­ble pre­serves the gum tis­sue so that the final result looks more like your own tooth.

Other vari­a­tions of treat­ment exist and an exam and con­sul­ta­tion with our peri­odon­tists will help deter­mine the best pos­si­ble treat­ment vari­a­tion for each person.

Con­tact Us for More Infor­ma­tion on Den­tal Implants in the Woodbridge/Vaughan Area

Decid­ing to receive den­tal implants at our peri­odon­tal office is a big deci­sion for the long term oral health and appear­ance of your smile. If you require more infor­ma­tion regard­ing the pro­ce­dure or would like to sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion appoint­ment with one of our peri­odon­tists, please call our office or request an appoint­ment online.

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