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Cosmetic Periodontal Surgery

Beau­tify Your Smile with Cos­metic Peri­odon­tal Procedures

Cos­metic Peri­odon­tal Surgery con­sists of pro­ce­dures used to enhance one’s smile, cover unsightly, sen­si­tive or exposed root sur­faces and to pre­vent future gum recession.

Cos­metic Peri­odon­tal Surgery – An Overview

Much can be done in the way of peri­odon­tal pro­ce­dures by our peri­odon­tists, along with cos­metic den­tistry by your gen­eral den­tist, to cor­rect the appear­ance of short and unflat­ter­ing teeth.

For instance, although your teeth appear short, they may actu­ally be the proper length. Your teeth may sim­ply be cov­ered with too much gum tis­sue. The peri­odon­tists at our Wood­bridge office can cor­rect this con­di­tion by per­form­ing the peri­odon­tal cos­metic surgery pro­ce­dure called crown length­en­ing. Dur­ing this pro­ce­dure excess gum and bone tis­sue is reshaped to expose more of the nat­ural tooth. This pro­ce­dure can be done on one or mul­ti­ple teeth to even out your gum line and cre­ate a more beau­ti­ful smile.

Another pop­u­lar cos­metic peri­odon­tal pro­ce­dure is the soft tis­sue graft. This pro­ce­dure can be used for one or more of the fol­low­ing rea­sons: to cover unat­trac­tive tooth roots, reduce gum reces­sion, pro­tect the roots from decay, reduce or pre­vent root sen­si­tiv­ity and thicken thin gum tis­sues to pre­vent future gum recession.

Still another use­ful pro­ce­dure is bone graft­ing imme­di­ately fol­low­ing tooth loss or extrac­tion. Tooth loss causes the jaw­bone to recede and can lead to an unnat­ural look­ing inden­ta­tion in your gums and jaw, giv­ing an appear­ance of gen­eral aging. Also loss of the bone can make future implant place­ment in the area more dif­fi­cult and expen­sive to do. Bone graft­ing imme­di­ately fol­low­ing tooth loss or extrac­tion can pre­serve the bone or min­i­mize the gum and bone col­lapse in the area. There is less gum shrink­age and a more aes­thetic tooth replace­ment can be made for either an implant crown or fixed bridge.

To learn more about the Sur­gi­cal Pro­ce­dures offered at our Peri­odon­tal office, please click on each pro­ce­dure descrip­tion or con­tact us.

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