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Periodontal Procedures

Main­tain­ing Oral Health with Sur­gi­cal and Non-Surgical Peri­odon­tal Procedures

Our goal as peri­odon­tists is sim­ple: to pro­vide you with the high­est qual­ity of den­tal care in a safe and com­fort­able envi­ron­ment. In order to do this, we use a vari­ety of peri­odon­tal pro­ce­dures, includ­ing both non-surgical and sur­gi­cal procedures.

What does Peri­odon­tal Treat­ment involve?

At our peri­odon­tal office we pro­mote the view that it is best, when pos­si­ble, that peri­odon­tal health be achieved in the least inva­sive and most cost-effective man­ner.  This goal can often be accom­plished through proper, ongo­ing pre­ven­tion of peri­odon­tal dis­ease or its early detec­tion and treat­ment with non-surgical peri­odon­tal treat­ments. Our peri­odon­tal office also pro­motes replace­ment of teeth lost due to peri­odon­tal dis­ease or other rea­sons with implants.

In the early stages of peri­odon­tal dis­ease, treat­ment can involve non-surgical pro­ce­dures such as scal­ing and root plan­ing to remove plaque and cal­cu­lus from the tooth sur­faces above the gums and from root sur­faces and peri­odon­tal pock­ets below the gums.

Some­times how­ever, non-surgical ther­apy is sim­ply not suf­fi­cient to treat peri­odon­tal dis­ease and main­tain peri­odon­tal health, and sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures may be nec­es­sary. These pro­ce­dures include crown length­en­ing to repo­si­tion gum tis­sue and elon­gate teeth for restora­tive pur­poses, bone graft­ing to encour­age bone and tis­sue regen­er­a­tion, and more.

Browse our var­i­ous sur­gi­cal and non-surgical pro­ce­dures to find out more.

When is Non-surgical treat­ment indicated?

Non-surgical pro­ce­dures can be indi­cated when one or more of fol­low­ing con­di­tions are present:

  1. When peri­odon­tal dis­ease is detected at its early stage
  2. When the peri­odon­tal pocket depths are shal­low to moderate
  3. When it is best not to do a sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dure due to a patient’s med­ical con­di­tion or issue or treat­ment that the patient is undergoing
  4. To pre­pare the gum tis­sues for future surgery by reduc­ing the inflam­ma­tion in the tis­sues mak­ing the tis­sues eas­ier to han­dle dur­ing surgery
  5. To deter­mine the need for surgery in an area when the gum tis­sues have healed after the non-surgical treatment
  6. To deter­mine if a patient will com­ply with improved oral hygiene require­ments and a reg­u­lar inter­val of peri­odon­tal main­te­nance appoint­ments before surgery is done.

Other indi­ca­tions for non-surgical treat­ment exist as well.