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First Visit

Thank You for Con­sid­er­ing Our Peri­odon­tal Office in the Wood­bridge and Vaughan Area

Here are some help­ful answers to ques­tions you might have before vis­it­ing our office for the first time.

What can I expect at my first visit?

Please assist us at the time of your ini­tial visit to the office by pro­vid­ing the fol­low­ing information:

• Your refer­ral slip and x-rays from your refer­ring den­tist
• A list of med­ica­tions you are cur­rently tak­ing
• If you have den­tal insur­ance, please bring any forms or insur­ance cards with you to the appointment

Our peri­odon­tists will com­plete an in depth med­ical and den­tal health his­tory review and a thor­ough exam­i­na­tion involv­ing oral can­cer screen­ing, TMJ screen­ing, bite eval­u­a­tion and mea­sure­ments for gum loss, bone loss, loose teeth and other signs of peri­odon­tal disease.

Please Note: All patients under the age of 18 must be accom­pa­nied by a par­ent or guardian at the con­sul­ta­tion appointment.

Will it hurt?

We will be as gen­tle as pos­si­ble. The peri­odon­tal exam can be com­pleted with lit­tle or no discomfort.

Will I need x-rays?

Our peri­odon­tists will need cur­rent den­tal x-rays in order to see dis­ease and bone loss not oth­er­wise vis­i­ble. If your refer­ring den­tist has taken x-rays you may request that they be for­warded to our peri­odon­tal office.

Will I need surgery?

Not every­one requires sur­gi­cal peri­odon­tal pro­ce­dures. If detected early, gum dis­ease can be treated with non-surgical peri­odon­tal pro­ce­dures. We will make rec­om­men­da­tions based on your indi­vid­ual sit­u­a­tion. Our goal is to detect and treat gum dis­ease as early as possible.

When will I go back to my gen­eral dentist?

Our peri­odon­tists and your den­tist will work closely together through­out your treat­ment process. If crowns and fill­ings are needed, your den­tist will be noti­fied to pro­vide them for you. Reg­u­lar vis­its to your den­tist are an impor­tant part of peri­odon­tal treatment.

What if I choose not to pro­ceed with gum treatment?

Peri­odon­tal gum dis­ease most often is a pro­gres­sive, pain­less infec­tion that can occur over many years. Delay often leads to fur­ther bone loss and more expenses in the future. With­out gum dis­ease treat­ment you risk seri­ous con­se­quences such as sig­nif­i­cant tooth, gum and bone loss, seri­ous infec­tion and a pos­si­ble increased risk of other med­ical problems.

What will it cost?

Since all patients are dif­fer­ent, our peri­odon­tists in Vaughan must com­plete an ini­tial exam­i­na­tion before estab­lish­ing your treat­ment plan and fee for care. The costs for peri­odon­tal treat­ment can vary con­sid­er­ably depend­ing on the type of prob­lems and the com­plex­ity and length of treat­ment. An approx­i­mate fee can usu­ally be deter­mined at the ini­tial visit; but on occa­sion, some ini­tial treat­ment or fur­ther diag­nos­tics must be com­pleted before the final treat­ment plan can be established.

Our prac­tice phi­los­o­phy is to detect and treat prob­lems early when they are eas­i­est and least costly to treat, ensur­ing also a higher pos­si­bil­ity of success.

Will my Insur­ance cover the costs?

Den­tal insur­ance poli­cies often cover peri­odon­tal gum dis­ease treat­ment. Please bring all den­tal ben­e­fit infor­ma­tion and cards to your exam­i­na­tion appoint­ment. Upon request, we will sub­mit a claim to pre­de­ter­mine your insur­ance benefits.

Con­tact our friendly Wood­bridge / Vaughan Office Today

Have a ques­tion we haven’t answered? Call us or send us a mes­sage online today, and one of our friendly staff will be pleased to help you out.